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Gemalto's Solution for Mobile

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Gemalto's Solutions for Mobile
Gemalto's Solution for Mobile
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All around the globe​, people are using ever-smarter connected devices to access more mobile services from an increasing range of companies. But to really immerse themselves in this new world of mobility, consumers and organizations need to feel confident when connecting and using sensitive personal data, and they need convenient ways to adopt these new services.

Mobile Trust Net is Gemalto’s response to making this new mobile world easy and safe. We help mobile operators, device makers and service providers secure the mobile eco-system and deliver the best possible experience to billions of people.

Our Solutions

On the Network, Mobile Trust Net's powerful software platforms and services allow you to create, implement, and securely connect value-added mobile services for your customers' devices.

In the Device, Mobile Trust Net's embedded software and products authenticate every mobile device and machine for secure applications and large-scale deployment of trusted services.

On The Network

NFC & MCommerce
Offer innovative value-added services through your customers' devices

Mobile ​ Security
Protect your customers' devices, data and ID

Connectivity & Network
Provide best-in-class mobile service to your customers

Internet Of Things
Open u​p new opportunities connecting smart objects

In The Device

Sim & Secure Elements
Maximize reach of end-users through field proven to emerging solutions

NFC & mCommerce:

Mobile Payment Solutions

mobile payment solutions

The world of digital payments is evolving constantly with an increasing number of options available to consumers. This means that issuers, retailers, mobile network operators, transit operators and many other service providers need to adapt their digital payment strategies to the new needs of their customers and latest technologies.

At the heart of this evolution we find the mobile device. An increasing number of people are ready to adopt mobile payment or pay with wearable devices. Between 2015 and 2020 Future Market Insights forecasts a 39% CAGR growth in mobile payments.

When looking at mobile payment the landscape is complex with a myriad of channels and security options (Secure Element, TEE, HCE-based, Tokenization) which companies can find daunting. Nonetheless, you need to embrace the technology and the opportunities for digital payment transformation, or risk missing out on a new revenue stream.

We believe that the winners in the new world of mobile payments will be those that maintain a relentless focus on the end-user experience. That means orchestrating solutions that offer:

  • Speed and convenience: mobile payments must be easier than cards or cash and must work every time.
  • Simplicity: frictionless consumer enrolment.
  • Rewards: discounts, VIP treatments, promotions, early access, inside information for more value.
  • Security: keeping money protected from fraudsters.
  • Freedom: pay for anything, anywhere, at any time, by any method.
  • Future enhancements: stay ahead of the curve with new applications and services.

Orchestrating Mobile Payment

Gemalto provides two interconnected solutions let you develop, deploy and manage exciting new mobil​​e​ payment services with dynamic security at any transaction scale to suit every business model:

Trusted Services Hub
​At the core of our mobile payment offer sits our Trusted Services Hub, a tested infrastructure that issuers, device manufacturers, service providers and mobile network operators can rely on for instant access to millions of users with a secure, future-proof solution to deploy and manage the mobile payment service. It can handle all available security frameworks and both own​ wallets or third party wallets​.

Mobile Wallet Development
Everything you n​eed to create, deploy, secure and manage mobile wallets that inspire consumers to engage and spend with loyalty. We help you become the wallet provider of choice with attractive, simple experience based on NFC, QR, SMS or any new, emerging channel that builds closer bonds between your brand and your ​customers.

How to secure mobile payment

Gemalto provides a range of security solutions to support every type of payment infrastructure

Tokenization Platform
Our versatile tokenization platform provides token creation, de-tokenization and lifecycle management. It helps reduce cross channel fraud and accelerates mobile payment adoption. It can be used for NFC payment and e-commerce.

Cloud-based payments (HCE)

Trusted Execution​​​​​ Envi​​​​ronment

Embedded Secure Element

Multi-Tenant SIM

Who We Support

Gemalto solutions are optimized to support service providers as they build, launch and manage trusted, revenue-generating services. We help:

  • Financial Institutions
    Expand your payment portfolio to the mobile with secure solutions adapted to your digital strategy.
  • Device Manufacturers
    Gain access to many service providers across the world via the security frameworks incorporated in your devices – including Embedded Secure Element and Trusted Execution Environment.
  • Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)
    Manage the hundreds of millions of multi-tenant SIMs supported by a growing NFC infrastructure. And enrich your service portfolio quickly and efficiently by getting providers onboard with minimal fuss.
  • Transport Operators
    Reduce ticket issuance and subscription management costs.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing Solutions for mobile network operators
Engage your customers, monetize your opt-in database and achieve your mobile business objectives with our mobile marketing solutions and analytics tool.

Mobile Marketing Hub
Advertisers, boost your mobile CRM and advertizing efficiency with Lasso and develop truly interactive relationships with your customers.

Gemalto Mobile Marketing & Consulting Services
Whatever your mobile marketing needs, our dedicated marketing experts expand your business while respecting the golden rules of privacy.

Mobile Services

Gemalto offers market-leading mobile NFC solutions for contactless mobile payment, mobile transport and other ​services, enabling mobile network operators, banks, transport networks, retailers and other service providers to deliver compelling NFC experiences.

NFC is a powerful component of Gemalto's end-to-end portfolio of trusted, innovative and large-scale mobile solutions, the Mobile Trust Net that secures the mobile value chain in three key ways – on the network, in the device, and through a comprehensive set of expert services.

​NFC technology is mainly used for mobile payment but other NFC​ solutions​ for transport ticketing, access or loyalty are growing all over the world.

The NFC ​​end-user experience

Move now to deliver a range of potential NFC user experiences, including mobile payments, transport ticketing and secure access. Gemalto Mobile Trust Net solutions with NFC help mobile network operators, device manufacturers and service providers build innovative, fully secure and scalable value-added services – so you can focus on increasing revenue from existing servi?ces, creating new offerings, and delivering a great customer experience.

Mobile payments
Mobile users can use their NFC-enabled smartphone to make contactless payments – surpassing the payment experience of a contactless payment card thanks to increased security and interactivity brought by the mobile wallet. It's a convenient way to pay for everyday items on the go and check recent transactions.

Transport ticketing
Commuters can use their NFC mobile as a contactless transport ticket. Their transit pass can be stored digitally on the smartphone and easily reloaded anytime, anywhere. During any journey, passengers simply tap the NFC reader at the ticket barrier or when boarding their train or bus.

An NFC-enabled mobile can act like contactless key card, giving authorised users convenient and secure access to buildings, equipment, networks and more. NFC-based secure access has many potential applications in sectors such as enterprise, hotels, education, airlines, automotive and residential, bringing convenience and value-added services for users while enabling new benefits for service providers.

Many other use cases
​NFC technology creates endless opportunities. Access information from smart posters and other items. Share digital business cards, photos, music and videos by tapping NFC mobiles together. Tap to check-in at locations for a personalized experience. The only limit is imagination.

Messaging & Operator Billing

hipster on phone

Netsize uses its leading position as SMS aggregator to connect MNOs to brands, merchants and retailers in order to deliver and monetize mobile content and services, as well as build close marketing relationships with the end-user.

We use our Application2Person messaging services to:

Promote – Use the SMS channel to send information to your database about new services, special events, products or bank holiday opening times, for example. SMS produces engagement rates 6-8 times higher than email. (Source: Cellit)

Alert –Forgotten doctor's appointments costing the British National Health Service £700m could be avoided with the simple sending of a reminder to the patient, while banking notifications alert the end user to changes in their account or low credit. Banks can even send new PIN codes by SMS.

Retain – SMS can now be used as an immediate way to offer CRM and poll services. Netsize offers a new interactive product where brands and merchants can enter into a 2 way conversation. Depending on the answer given, a new question is sent to delve a little deeper. Netsize can help brands manage the all important Net Promoter Score.

Charge – Direct carrier billing solutions provide merchants and service providers with great options for mobile payment for digital goods, offering the best possible conversion rates in just a few intuitive clicks. With no pre-enrolment, the end user clicks to buy and is sent to the payment page. They need only to "confirm" the purchase and the amount is charged to their mobile phone bill at the end of the month. Netsize offers a unified, customized payment page and manag​es the payment flow to ensure everyone who should be paid gets paid.

Netsize also can help operators to host and manage premium and messaging services for their merchant and consumers, to take the sting out of setting up new infrastructure. Netsize Operator Services offers speed and flexibility to quickly launch new services.

Connectivity & Network:

On-Demand Connectivity

How ODC can help you with your connectivity needs

Technology is transforming the paradigm of connected living, moving from simple mobility solutions to hyper-connectivity in the Internet of Things (IoT) . Connected devices are growing exponentially and according to the GSMA, mobile connectivity contributes about 3.8% of the world’s total GDP. That’s roughly $3 trillion worth of economic value, which is anticipated to grow further in the coming years with tens of billions of endpoints anticipated to be connected by the turn of the decade. In this hyper-connected world, Gemalto’s On-Demand Connectivity solution gives OEM, MNO and Service Providers the capability to securely manage the lifecycle of cellular subscriptions, in order to deliver a seamless customer experience for connecting consumer and industrial devices.

Customer Experience

Gemalto Customer Experience Platform helps you improve end-user satisfaction

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Quality of customer experience is a key factor to satisfy your subscribers. It is also one of the most important considerations for customers when choosing their operator. The Gemalto Customer Experience Platform enables mobile network operators and OEMs to proactively identify and solve subscribers' issues in terms of network quality and device performance, based on real user experience.

Gemalto Customer Experience Platform use cases

Mobile network operators: Leveraging information on real customer connectivity experiences
By proactively identifying network quality issues, as a mobile network operator you can significantly reduce customer service costs while improving the user experience. You can proactively measure call drops and signal strength for any subscriber and, with a more accurate view of users' concerns, optimize your network investment by ensuring that the pertinent issues are addressed. Your customer care teams can identify and diagnose issues and provide live advice and support tailored to individual circumstances. Your service quality, brand image and customer retention are all enhanced.

Connected Cars: Providing the best possible automotive connectivity experience
The development of connected cars means that reliable, fast and trusted connectivity is essential. Gemalto's Customer Experience Platform ensures your customers' connectivity experiences are monitored. Through a software agent embedded in a car's radio module or as an applet on the MIM, coverage, 3G or 4G radio technology and events such as no service and data connection failure can be logged and uploaded for analysis. It allows you to control service level agreements including SLA configuration, provider configurations, map views, real time SLA KPI reports and notifications systems.

How does the Customer Experience Platform work

Our platform can be deployed stand-alone or integrated into a third party CE solution. It provides unique insights and features that effectively complement data from traditional systems such as network probes and call detail records (CDR). The solution includes Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) agents, a powerful reporting tool coupled with a customer interface and a flexible and scalable backend.

  • We propose various forms of Quality of Service agents (QoS agent) (SIM applet, mobile device agent, USB modem, software development kits) to adapt to your needs. With the opt-in of your subscriber, our software can run in the background and provide a rich set of geolocalized insights.The QoE agent collects insights on voice and data service, network, device, active testing and users' feedback with geo-location for operators to quickly pinpoint the root causes of poor quality user experience.
  • With Quality of Service agents (QoS agents), we actively monitor initiated and remotely scheduled test executions. The solution can be deployed for unattended drive testing and static monitoring as well as for indoor measurements, network and Service Level Agreements (SLA) quality checks.
  • Customer Experience Analytics offers a powerful reporting and analysis tool with a comprehensive set of reports and views that help a mobile network operator to quickly understand the situation. It provides network, device, system, traffic, call events, mapping and other views and modules to help various departments in conducting a proactive quality analysis.
  • With the Customer Care module, you enable a new touch point between your subscribers and your Customer Care department. Subscribers can use the Selfcare module in the MDA to solve some problems by themselves, thus reducing calls to your customer care centers. Furthermore, related issues impacting the customer experience are automatically collected, uploaded and presented in an easy-to-understand dashboard with passive device's and system monitoring.
  • The backend of the platform is flexible and scalable. It supports both in-house and hosting solutions. It is a fully scalable architecture, designed to handle many millions of clients.

Benefits for mobile network operators

  • Proactively identify customer experience issues
  • Solve more customer experience issues at first call
  • Reduce your customer support costs (lower volume, shorter call duration)
  • Empower your customers with a tool that helps them solve some issues by themselves
  • Improve your brand image and the word-of-mouth on your service quality and customer care efficiency
  • Increase your customer retention and attract more subscribers

Benefits for O​EMs

  • Monitor your customers' connectivity experience
  • Control service level agreements with your telecom operator
  • Protect and improve your brand image on quality and customer experience

Benefits for e​​​nd-users

  • Provide a comprehensive view of what's happening with your connectivity
  • Identify and solve some of your own connectivity issues
  • Ease the dialog with your mobile network operator's customer care team

Advanced OTA Solution

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Operators want to provision and manage the lifecycle of connected devices and launch new services quickly, securely and without being forced to over-invest in infrastructure.

They also want to offer multiple VAS to their customers to strengthen their competitive positioning.

Our platforms are a framework that enable ​to easily activate and personalize their mobile services at any scale over the air even when devices have already been deployed. We then add powerful new revenue-generating and cost optimization capabilities - based on insights into users' quality of experience, optimal wireless data network selection, remote multimedia activation and marketing offers.

Operators gain greater flexibility in how they deploy devices and services together with lower operational costs and better service uptake; and their customers get a more personal, more rewarding experience that is totally secure.

Real-time SIM Activation and SIM Reactivation

sim reactivation

The current prepaid life-cycle management relies on a slow, unefficient and costly pre-provisioning process.

Real-Time SIM Activation optimizes the network and the SIM resources, and eases subscriber on-boarding: it automates subscriber activation by pairing the SIM and the phone number only when users first use their phones.​​​​

In parallel, in mobile prepaid markets, re-engaging with multi-SIM users has revealed to be complex and expensive.

SIM Reactivation detects inactive SIM users willing to reconnect to your mobile network and turn them back into active and valuable users: indeed those returning users can conveniently reuse their expired SIM card, select their phone number and new personalized services. Operators can truly implement efficient customer reacquisition strategies by easily re-engaging with dormant SIM users.


Maximize your roaming revenues and profitability

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Roaming revenues are being impacted by regulations and price decreases, while the LTE and M2M takeoff brings new business opportunities for roaming. Gemalto proposes a wide portfolio of advanced and unique roaming solutions to benefit from such opportunities.

Device Management

Boost data adoption and usage, maximize customer experience

Gemalto's Device Management automatically detects and configures all mobile devices, including LTE and multi-SIM. It easily generates personalized campaigns that allow operators to boost users' data adoption and usage while optimizing data experience.

LTE is the fastest developing mobile communications technology ever. It is now the indisputable cornerstone of operators' mobile broadband strategies:

  • LTE will be the leading mobile technology in 2020 with 3.8 billion subscriptions.
  • LTE-capable devices will rise to 72% of all smartphone shipments by 2020 compared to 50% in 2016

Those figures hide a geographical disparity. In particular, 4G coverage and 4G adoption in Africa will respectively be about twice and four times less compared to other regions in 2020.

Customer experience has emerged as the new barrier for mobile data adoption and usage:

  • Users patterns and behaviors: multi-SIM users' behavior, illiteracy, lack of awareness of adapted data services, inadequate data pricing vs personal patterns leading to churn...
  • Handset and network limitations impacts: LTE frequency bands fragmentation, 'one-data-bearer-network-only' multi-SIM phones, incorrect network data bearer attachment, frequent loss of data connection…

In particular the quality of experience is of the essence: once users have adopted LTE (at a cost for the operator), the operator challenge is to retain them with a good data network quality of service.

In that context, in order to grow revenues, operators need to ensure subscribers adopting LTE-capable phones upgrade to a data subscription and benefit from a seamless 4G experience. Operators also need to ensure users with multi-SIM devices get data - and the related revenue - from them.

The Gemalto Device Management solution goes beyond remote device configuration: it also helps operators increase both data revenue and customer satisfaction.

With more than 100 platforms managing over 1 billion users worldwide, Gemalto is a trusted leader in the mobile device management market.

Rich and frequently-updated device library

Gemalto's Device Management brings an unparalleled device library containing more than 170,000 references with full GSMA specification from over 1,500 manufacturers, expanded with thousands of new models each year. These frequent updates allow operators to accelerate the LTE uptake.

The knowledge of the LTE frequency bands supported by devices helps operators to tackle the complexity of the LTE band fragmentation, thus ensuring usage uptake via the promotion of the right device to the right user.

Real-time user & device analytics via Automatic Device Detection

Leveraging the Gemalto proven expertise in signaling, a full network-based Automatic Device Detection (ADD) module is also available as an option: it brings valuable real-time users and device events analytics (e.g. presence on the network, location, device or SIM swap, roaming, connection type...). That information can trigger device-based use cases (handset configuration, real-time personalized offers generation); it can also feed other solutions addressing other business priorities (e.g. real-time SIM/eSIM activation, EIR (Equipment Identity Register) regulation, steering of roaming, M2M management).

Seamless automatic device configuration

As soon as the solution detects a new handset on the network, it automatically and remotely configures it with the operator settings. It avoids painful and potentially incorrect user handling, and reduces the customer center calls and costs.

Personalized data-focused campaigns

Operators can target the right subscribers to push LTE device adoption campaigns and quickly modernize the subscriber devices, as well as promote LTE plans for owners of 4G-capable phones. The Device Management solution can also send loyalty offers to multi-SIM users to ensure they use the operator subscription for data.

Prevent unwanted phones from accessing the network

The anti-fraud Equipment Identity Register (EIR) supports 2G, 3G and 4G networks. This prevents lost, stolen or prohibited devices from connecting to any network type, and helps mobile operators meet increasingly stringent telecom regulations.

Enhanced Quality of Experience

Operators can collect information on data network quality from the users' phone to prioritize network improvements and offer subscribers the best data usage experience to retain them.


For mobile operators

  • Increase 4G adoption and usage,
  • Increase data-related revenues,
  • Accelerate LTE return on investment,
  • Allows instant promotion of targeted offers based on user's profile and handset characteristics,
  • Ensure in depth user patterns understanding,
  • Improve subscriber satisfaction and retention,
  • Reduce customer care calls and costs.

For subscribers

  • Ensure out-of-the-box LTE network connectivity,
  • Allow a smooth and simple transition to a new device,
  • Increase satisfaction,
  • Receive personalized data-focused offers.​

Mobile ID & Security:

Mobile security: building trust in mobile apps

mobile security

The uptake of smartphones, tablets, and now, wearables has driven new means of communicating. It has also influenced how we buy products, changed how we bank and pay with mobile banking and mobile payment solutions, and changed the way we interact with brands. Indeed, it has created an entire industry with the app economy. Moreover, the use of personal devices for professional usage (BYOD) has further boosted the use of mobile devices in everyday life . Governments, too, are capitalizing on the mobile revolution, illustrated by the emergence of new mobile ID initiatives, such as digital driving licenses in the USA. Mobile apps have suddenly become the main way we engage with the world.

But this step-change is accompanied by growing mobile security threats. Mobile devices are becoming increasingly valuable, and hackers are shifting to attack more and more mobile apps containing valuable dat​a. According to Kaspersky Lab, the volume of malware targeting mobile devices grew more than threefold in 2015, over 2014.

It is crucial that industries and governments implement software-based mobile security solutions that protect their online resources and their IPs, as well as users' private data and personal digital IDs. Within those industries and governments, app developers must:

  • Maximize user reach whilst ensuring the best protection for devices lacking hardware-based security features such as SEs
  • Address the lack of control of mobile devices in the field and how they are used
  • Ensure user convenience with authentication solutions that work for everyone in a convenient way, without intruding on the user experience

How can we build trus​t in mobile apps?

At Gemalto, we launched a survey of over 1,300 mobile users across six markets, including Brazil, the UK, South Africa, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the US, asking people about their behavior and security expectations with regard to the mobile universe. We have collated the results in an eBook, in which we discuss the survey's findings, and analyze what they mean for industries and governments that want to protect their apps and assets while building trust with their end-users. We also explore the different authentication solutions available, such as fingerprint recognition, and more generally, our layered security approach for the best possible protection.

Mobile ID

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Solution for a single and secure digital identity​
Mobile ID enables to revolutionize online activities for billions of people. Using a secure and convenient mobile phone-based second factor authentication, and consent-based digital identity management; consumers can now enjoy an easy and trusted digital journey.​

Set up Mobile Connect with à la carte services​

Mobile Connect​ is an initiative from the GSMA that aims to provide a universal login service for everybody worldwide. This new digital authentication standard enables interoperability and ubiquity, to ease the global deployment of federated identity.

Available in Software-as-a-Service mode, Mobile ID provides scalable identity management and authentication services for MNOs to easily become universal digital identity provider and set up all Mobile Connect services:

  • Identity Federation enabling Single Sign On service
  • Easy on boarding portal services
  • End-User permission-based information sharing service
  • Simple mobile login to access web services with one click experience (level of assurance 2)
  • Secured authentication and transaction with the use of a unique secret code (level of assurance 3)
  • Qualified digital signatures with the use of advanced digital certificate and public key signature services (level of assurance 4)

Mobile ID features work on any handset, offering the largest scale of authentication means via SMS network, mobile software applications, or SIM embedded application and can be deployed over-the-air to a mobile operator's existing user legacy base.

Mobile Connect ecosystem enabler:

The experience of providing security solutions to va​rious sectors enables us to reach thousands of service providers. Our sales force can support direct sales and promotion of the Mobile Connect through our existing channels. Additionally, our consulting offers ease the integration of the service.

Benefits for mobile operators:

  • Address a large range of service providers whatever the level of security required
  • Leverage new revenue streams for authentication services and ID brokerage
  • Fast and flexible deployment in SaaS mode
  • Compliant with GSMA Mobile Connect
  • GSMA Mobile Connect Accelerator Partner​

A very user-friendly digital journey for all

As internet activity grows exponentially, people are experiencing painful digital journeys, having to deal with multiple usernames and passwords, with no trust in the security of their online identities and privacy.

Mobile ID provides the missing link between security and convenience allowing your customers to access online services in a private, trusted and secure environment. It enhances privacy protection, reduces the risk of identity theft and simplifies login to a large range of online services, from web merchant, banks, government and enterprises.

Benefits for end-users:

  • Fast and simple online authentication
  • Convenient single ID password
  • Protect privacy and reinforce online security

Benefits for digital service providers:

  • Web merchants: more transactions thanks to a simpler user journey
  • Banks: enhance the promotion of online and mobile sales channels
  • Enterprises: match employees’ mobility and data security
  • Governments: reduce administration costs and time frame

Identity & Data Protection Services

The explosion of corporate cloud and authentication services represents a massive oppo​rtunity for mobile network operators (MNOs) to enlarge their business service offers.

Gemalto's comprehensive range of Identity & Data Protection services powered by SafeNet, enables MNOs to deliver trusted authentication and cloud data protection solutions for securing their corporate customer's infrastructures–from the edge to the core.

Cloud-based Enterprise Authentication-as-a-Service

SafeNet Authentication Service delivers fully-automated, highly secure authentication-as-a service with flexible token options that ensure secure mobility for administrators and users. With no infrastructure required, SafeNet Authentication Service enables a quick migration to a multi-tier and multi-tenant cloud environment, protecting all resources, from cloud-based and on-premises applications, to networks, users, and devices.

Data-Centric Security

SafeNet Data Protection solutions empower MNOs to move beyond silo-constrained encryption, and complicated key management to deliver data-centric security to their customers. Seamlessly deploy and manage a comprehensive data protection solution wherever your customers' data resides or is moving across the network with the extensive SafeNet portfolio of encryption a​nd key/crypto management solutions. Whether you are securing data on-premises, in cloud-enabled environments or as it moves across your network, ensure ownership of all your data, applications and services simply and securely with SafeNet Data Protection solutions from Gemalto

Mobile Protection

Mobile Protection is a part of Gemalto's Mobile Trust net portfolio of solutions, enabling our customers to offer trusted services throughout the mobile value​​​​​​ chain. From conventional contacts' backup and autobackup to locating your phone, Mobile Protection offers mobile security solutions, with or without data connection.

Mobile Data Protection
Mobile backup at your fingertips. Data Protection solutions help consumers back up their valuable content from feature or smartphones.

ID Verification ​soluti​ons for Mobile Operators​​

Mobile op​erators are facing an increasing threat from identity fraud, either during the customer enrollment process or involving SIM swaps and fraudulent online financial transactions. These can result in heavy financ​ial losses and damaged brand reputation. In addition to this, operators must comply with national regulations on ID registration when activating new subscriptions.

Gemalto's Allynis ID Verification is a comprehensive solution for secure customer enrollment, providing customers with a real-time seamless onboarding experience that minimizes the risk of fraud.

Our fully automatic ID Verification solution includes:

  • Identity document verification - verifying the authenticity of the document
  • Customer authentication - authenticating the holder as the rightful owner
  • Risk assessment - evaluating the risk linked to a customer through ​​​checks on control lists
  • ID verification report - report generation for audit purposes
  • Automatic form filling - easing customer enrollment and limiting manual errors.

ID verification steps

A m​ulti-channel and flexible solution to fit your needs

  • You can choose the right level of security that best fits your business, and opt for either a SaaS or software-based enterprise application, depending on your needs.
  • You can adapt it to your channel process: face to face, online, using a mobile or tablet.
  • Flexible level of integration

Benefits fo​r operators:

  • Minimizes ID fraud, representing millions of euros per year in losses
  • Guarantees secure management of customers' private data
  • Easy to integrate – can be run in SaaS mode
  • Compliant with increasing security regulations
  • Reduces operating costs associated with document management
  • Improves the customer experience and facilitates enrollment process
  • Protects your brand reputation

An unrivaled experience in secure identity documents

  • An offer which has been deployed in over 20 I​D Verification projects in the private and public sectors worldwide​
  • We own one of the largest ID document database in the world
  • We have unmatched expertise in encryption, security and privacy schemes
  • We work closely with worldwide experts in identity fraud. You can be assured that your solution will include the very latest developments in ID security features
  • We have strong expertise in biometric technology and have deployed biometric technology programs in over 35 countries
  • Gemalto is the world's leading provider of secure identity documents for governments (ABI Research 2014 and 2015 studies)

SIM & Secure Elements:

Mobile Trust Net's secure elements portfolio authenticate every device for secure applications and trusted value-added services. Every solution is standards based and delivers the highest security to support even the most sensitive services.

Classic SIM
Gemalto SIMcard​ allows MNOs to offer his customers a personalized, interoperable and removable platform. Depending on their size​​, their memory capacity, and functionalities, Gemalto offers a complete range of SIM cards, tailored following MNOS requirements, to host multiple added-valued services, beyond authentication, such as roaming, mobile marketing​, phonebook b​ack-up services….

UpTeq Multi-tenant SIM
In order to extend services to newcomers in the mobile eco-system, such as banks, transport operators, governmental institutions…., Gemalto has designed a multi-tenant SIM, which is a multiapplicative secure platform. Customized as a lock box, it allows each service providers to host securely his services in the advanced SIM card, that can be activated, personalized and managed remotely to make it easy to run revenue and loyalty building services with absolute confidence.

Upteq embedded SIM
The embedded SIM (also called embedded UICC) is a new secure element compliant with GSMA specifications and designed to remotely manage multiple mobile network operator subscriptions. Available in various form factors, either plugged-in or soldered, the embedded SIM is easy to integrate in any type of device.

Embedded Secure Element​ is a tamper-proof chip with different size and design, embedded in any mobile devices, that makes sure the data are stored in a safe place and information is given to only authorized applications and people. It is like a personal ID for the end user and for the device itself. The eSE is multi-applicative (payment, transport, access control, corporate etc…) and Gemalto has developed specific software to administrate and update it during the complete life cycle of the devices.

Card body and Packaging solutions
Gemalto has a large catalogue of packaging products with an extensive choice of designs, materials and dimensions. The company also offers a unique portfolio of card body shapes, precuts and key fobs to ensure visual appeal and greater differentiation.

Our Machine Identification Modules support applications in mete​ring, remote management and healthcare. The technology authenticates machines and secures longterm communication across networks in harsh conditions to increase machine.

Pricing Notes:

Gemalto Solutions
Gemalto's Solutions for Mobile
Gemalto's Solution for Mobile
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